
Sludge Handling & Disposal Techniques – (1.5 Hour Webinar)

(1.5 hours) 1-hour of presentations and a half-hour Q&A session
(1:00-2:30pm EST, 12:00-1:30pm CST, 11:00am-12:30pm MST, 10:00-11:30am PST)

Description: Overview of sludge handling and disposal techniques for operators, technical assistance providers, and regulatory personnel to familiarize them with the various technologies and processes employed in the handling and disposal of wastewater treatment sludge. Various techniques and methods of sludge handling will be discussed and evaluated to help control sludge handling costs and process efficiency.

Learning Objectives – Participants should be able to:
– Identify various sludge handling processes throughout the sludge formation process
– Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different sludge handling processes
– Discuss pros and cons of sludge disposal options
– Identify methods to control sludge handling costs and process efficiency

-Jeff Oxenford, Director of Training & Technical Services, RCAP
-Kevin Kundert, Training & Technical Services Specialist, RCAP

RCAP Presenters:
-Mike Novac, Sr. Rural Development Specialist, Indiana RCAP-Great Lakes CAP
-Rebekah Novak, E.I.T., Water Compliance Specialist, RCAP Solutions, Inc.
-Carlos Velázquez-Figueroa, Wastewater Technician, RCAP Solutions, Inc.