Onsite/Decentralized Wastewater System O&M Webinar (1.5 hours)
(1.5 hours) 1-hour of presentations and a half-hour Q&A session
(1:00-2:30pm EDT, 12:00-1:30pm CDT, 11:00am-12:30pm MDT, 10:00-11:30am PDT)
Description: Overview of onsite and decentralized wastewater system operation, maintenance, and management. Learn common system configurations, maintenance issues, and management procedures from technical assistance providers in the field.
-Jeff Oxenford, Director of Training & Technical Services, RCAP
-Kevin Kundert, Training & Technical Services Specialist, RCAP
RCAP Presenters:
-Randy Welch, Technical Assistance Provider (North Carolina), SERCAP, Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project, Inc.
“System Configurations and Operational Issues”
(Common onsite and decentralized system configurations and operational issues observed in the field)
-Candace Balmer, Technical Assistance Provider & New York State Lead, RCAP Solutions, Inc.
“Onsite System Inspection Protocols; Technologies for Challenging Sites; and Community Applications”
(Elements of evaluating onsite system operation and the use of alternative systems to enhance treatment and expand community decentralized system options)
-Ben Howard, Rural Development Specialist (Ohio), GLCAP, Great Lakes Community Action Partnership
“Onsite/Decentralized Wastewater System Management”
(Overview of methods to fund and manage O&M; what is working well, not working, new options moving into the future; perspectives from the field)