RCAP’s Annual Fly-In event in Washington D.C. brings in representatives from our 6 regional partners from across the country to generate awareness for rural issues on Capitol Hill and to meet with government agencies. Representatives meet with their members of Congress and reinforce the importance and value of federal programs for rural economic development and water and wastewater infrastructure.

RCAP is committed to setting the tone and shaping the future agenda by meeting with Members of Congress, their staff and the Administration in Washington. As technical assistance practitioners, it is important to clearly communicate the needs of the rural communities RCAP serves – key issues and the federal policies and regulations that impact them – all while showcasing how RCAP and the network is a driving force in rural America.

February 27 – March 2, 2023 Holiday Inn Capitol

As we prepare for the 2023 RCAP National Fly-In, feel free to reach out to the RCAP National Office for guidance on advocacy or communication tools. Once you register to attend the 2023 Fly-In, you will also receive a preparation toolkit to help guide you in scheduling meetings, effectively communicating your message, and making the most of your time.

The draft agenda is available here. 

RCAP will be honoring and has invited Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Senator John Boozman (R-AR) to join us that week.


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Senator Sherrod Brown (Official U.S. Senate photo by Rebecca Hammel)

Senator John Boozman Official Portrait 115th Congress

Senator John Boozman

Thank You to Our 2023 Fly-In Sponsors 

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RCAP successfully planned and hosted RCAP’s 2022 Virtual Fly-In from February 28 – March 3, 2022. The network organized over 270 meetings during the week with members of Congress and their staff. RCAP also hosted virtual presentations during the week honoring our 2022 Congressional Champions – an annual bipartisan award in recognition of outstanding service, dedication, and tireless advocacy on behalf of RCAP’s national network of community technical service providers and the rural communities served across our nation. RCAP honored Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Congressman David Valado (R-CA) with awards.